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To secure your home as best you can is a significantly better idea that having the attitude that it is not necessary or it will never happen to me. Break-ins for the purpose of illegally obtaining goods or money to support such things as drug addiction is an ever-present reality for many unprepared people. To take some steps to minimise your risk of this happening to your home or business is always a better idea than to take the apathetic approach and do nothing.
When considering the best way to secure your home there are several things to keep in mind. Firstly you must take into consideration the level of security that may be required given your particular application. Things to consider would be street lighting, how far your house is from your neighbours, how far your house is set back from the street, the type of neighbourhood you live in, and if you are wanting to leave windows open permanently for ventilation in areas such as toilets, bathrooms or kitchens. All these things will come into consideration when you are making a decision regarding your security needs.
Roller shutters can give a great level of protection from heat in the summer, cold in the winter, noise if you are on a busy road, and they are number one at restricting the light if you happen to require a dark place to sleep for a number of reasons, for example shift work or to avoid the brightness of street lighting. Roller shutters can be easily installed onto most windows and can be manually or remotely controlled. Another reason roller shutters can offer the right solution is additional protection for your windows from bushfires. Individual shutters will have individual ratings and you must check with your supplier as to the specifics. Roller shutters are not rated as a security product but they do offer a significant level of protection if installed correctly.
Window security screens are a very practical way of offering a reasonably high level of protection for your home whilst allowing fresh air and ample light to penetrate. This is not the case with roller shutters as in the fully closed position they will eliminate up to 99 percent of penetrating light. Consideration must be given when installing security window screens so as not to minimise exits in an emergency such as a fire. It is imperative that you install and maintain good quality smoke alarms; however, always be mindful to have an exit strategy if a fire were to start from within the building at any point.
Both roller shutters and security window screens can be purchased online as well as through traditional retail outlets. The advantage of a local retail outlet would be the option of installation and an initial measurement and quotation process. To purchase either of these products online will require the customer to both measure and install the product themselves and this can add a level of apprehension if the person is not handy or has not access to the correct equipment for both processes.
If a retail outlet and the opportunity of an onsite quotation/measurement is not available in your area then perhaps the only option would be to purchase online and if this is something that is not within the skill set of the purchaser then perhaps a handyman or builder can be contracted to carry out the necessary work.
Basic tools and common sense are fundamentally all that is required as well as a basic level of natural fitness to both measure and install. Perhaps at the installation process it may be an advantage to have an extra pair of hands particularly if ladders are involved.
Two companies that offer online purchasing are Seconline for security window screens and for roller shutters D.I.Y Ezy-Fit Rollershutters
Both websites offer full support during the ordering process via email support, phone support, or online chatting.