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Mosquitoes and Dengue Fever

Australian mosquitoes have been known to be responsible for the transmitting of many disease due to their bloodsucking appetites. Dengue fever, Ross River fever and Malaria are some of the diseases that have been known to be transmitted via mosquitoes in Australia although Malaria is quite rare and so far well contained. Their annoyance with their persistent biting they can cause major problems for recreational and social interactions if not properly avoided.Some of the many and varied diseases that are transmitted by the Australian mosquito are quite dangerous to the Australian population particularly those who live in areas where there breeding is more prolific such as coastal areas and tropical areas. Ross River fever is a disease that can occur in all states of Australia. Occasionally there are areas where mosquitoes have transmitted the disease in far greater numbers than others. Symptoms can last for months and can re-occur. Symptoms can mimic flu like conditions with high fevers and body rashes. Recovery can take weeks and can leave the person weak and incapacitated for even greater period with the usual recurrence of the symptoms.

Dengue fever a viral disease which is also spread by mosquitoes, however is mainly contained to tropical areas. The symptoms can also include flu like conditions with high temperatures, pain behind the eyes, joint muscular aches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, skin rashes and severe headaches are some of the symptoms that may be experienced by people affected with Dengue Fever. Babies are particularly susceptible to this disease and it can be life threatening. There is no cure and no specific treatment. Also there is no vaccine for the prevention of Dengue fever and so it is best to avoid its contraction by avoiding the mosquito bite if at all possible. If it any time you feel that you may have contracted hideous disease because of mosquito bite then an earlier diagnosis will mean the less chance of the disease further spreading due to you becoming the host.

There are three known Australian mosquitoes that can be carriers of this disease and once a mosquito becomes infective then it will be able to spread the disease or virus every time it bites another person. If you feel that you have contracted this virus then your first port of call for diagnosis would be your general practitioner and the sooner you have a diagnosis the better. You may have also contracted this disease if you have travelled to other subtropical or tropical areas throughout the Caribbean, Central American, South American or any of the islands in the South Pacific where this disease is also quite common.

The best way to avoid this hideous virus is simply to avoid where possible exposure to mosquitoes. This is not always possible, however if you have to go where known mosquito infestations may occur then use a mosquito repellent. Also where protective clothing such as longsleeve shirts, long sleeves, netted hats etc as well as trousers to minimise the skin area exposed. If possible reschedule the outdoor activities so as to not be out at dusk or early in the mornings when mosquitoes are also at their most active. Another good way to minimise the risk is to minimise the habitat of mosquitoes by being conscious of their breeding cycle. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water and therefore any exposed water such as the bottom of pot plants, old tires, old buckets et cetera should be emptied immediately after rain. Cover rainwater tanks and any areas that mosquitoes may use to breed.

Air-conditioned areas are very low on the mosquitoes possible habitats as the humidity in the air is reduced as well as the temperature. Staying indoors at dusk and dawn or in a screened area that is well maintained is also advisable. Check all fly screens and security screens for possible holes as well as any other entry point that these annoying biting insects may gain entry.

Custom made insect screens and security screens as well as range of security doors and barrier doors can be ordered to your exact specifications and shipped direct to your address from the Seconline site.  

We also have support available either through email, online chatting or direct phone for to our support staff on 1300  735405 between the hours of 8:30AM and 4 PM Eastern standard time Monday to Friday.

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